With 40% of the Work Force As Freelancers by 2020, Is Blogging an Option for You?

Thursday, July 9, 2015
You may be wondering what are the benefits of Blogging and why would I Blog or even consider it?
We know that "Change is a Constant" in our life and since the 1950's with the technological revolution, it feels that change is speeding up. "By 2020, more than 40% of the US workforce will be so-called contingent workers, according to a study conducted by software company Intuit in 2010. That's more than 60 million people," that will be contract workers
If 40% of the work force will be freelancers, what changes will individuals need to be making with so many no longer employed directly by companies and working as contractors? How will we stand out as the one that will get the job done? This brings us to a concept of being an expert and "Branding". Because, we have all become Googlers for information on the internet, it's important to develop a Presence Online where we can be found. This is where the concept of "Branding" ourselves becomes important.
What skills do you bring to the table? How could you help others with the expertise you possess? Think about what you are good at and if need be, what could you learn that would be valuable to others that you can teach. People are always looking for information and how to do something. What unique perspective and expertise can you bring to the marketplace?
You need to be on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, you should have your own Blog. Even if you are an employee, you should have your own Blog. Because of all the changes happening, we need to be thinking about a Plan B. We need to be ready for what may happen next. What would you do if you knew that your job could change or disappear? There have been articles written about how to become indispensable in your job. To make yourself indispensable, you will need to sell yourself and all the things you are bringing to the work you do. This could make the difference in keeping your job.
For some, thinking about a Plan B, may mean starting something on the side of what they are already doing. It may mean starting a business. Gaining skills always makes us more attractive in whatever we are doing and is essential if we decide to venture out into something new. If you Blog you will gain credibility and authority which will make you more valuable to the people who need what you have to offer. Your job is to create valuable content. This valuable, useful content is just one of the metrics used by Google to rank how you will show up when Googled.
Every year there are 40,000 law students and only half of them are able to work as lawyers. Those are terrible statistics that half of the students don't become lawyers. It sure makes you wonder what happens to all those that can't work in the profession they chose? Wouldn't it be valuable for these students to be taught how to market their capabilities? They should be doing this as an undergraduate. They should have a Blog and be learning to Brand themselves. They will need to do this as an attorney and if they don't become a lawyer and end up doing something else. Law schools teach them to know the law and become good technicians, but not how they will need to market themselves later.
Everyone needs to Brand themselves, you've got to be ready. You need to be at the Top of the Food Chain in whatever field you are in. When you decide to put yourself on the Internet the skill you will need to learn is how to market yourself online. Change brings with it a "Huge Solution Economy" and the need for people to fill that need. See the change as Opportunity and you will be the winner, filling a need that others have.
Robert Kiyosaki says the only difference between a rich person and a poor person is how they use their time. Is all your time spent in front of the TV? Paul Zane Pilzer says that Prosperity comes to those who do things the fastest. What I believe Paul means here, is that when you see a need and you seize the opportunity to do something to fill that need and you move quickly, you have the best chance of success.
When you invest in yourself you are building your Brain Capital, this allows you to become indispensable. This investment builds your resume. Once you have the Brain Capital, you've got to be able to market yourself. As a Blogger there are a number of ways that you will make money. The ways to make money will be discussed another time. With the statistics of 40% of the workforce being independent contractors by 2020, it is important to look ahead and be prepared for the changes ahead. Could Blogging be a way to assist you in this preparation? Develop a Mindset to succeed, and then be committed to figuring it out.
Truth is that none of us can do this on our own. Be willing to learn and ask for help.
Yours in Gratitude,
Johanna Baker
PS: To find out how you can learn the skills to become a Solutions Provider and a Blogger, go to http://www.JohannaBaker.com