How Do You Get a Literary Agent?

Wednesday, July 22, 2015
You've just finished writing a book. You've polished and polished the manuscript, so it's the BEST you can make it. Now, how do you get a literary agent who will sell your manuscript to a publisher?
You've heard that landing an agent can be difficult, if nearly impossible. Yet it doesn't have to be. Here are a few tips that should make it much easier.
1. Do your homework before you start contacting agents.
Make a list of agents who represent the type of work you have written. Also, check to see that these agents are all accepting new clients. Look for the submissions guidelines on each agent's website and follow these guidelines to the letter.
2. Look for agents or agencies that are just getting started.
New agencies are started all the time and that means they're looking for clients. Various writer communities and organizations will often pass along word of these new agents or agencies to their members. For example, the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) sends out a bi-monthly BULLETIN to its members, which includes information about new agents or agencies for the children's market.
3. Attend writer's conferences and schedule a few "pitch" sessions with a few agents.
If you're serious about writing, you really MUST attend at least one writer's conference every year. Many conferences offer short sessions where a writer can "pitch" a manuscript to an agent. There is usually a fee (separate from the overall conference fee) for these sessions, but they can be well worth the money. Depending on your budget, and the agents who are available at a particular conference, sign up for sessions with at least a couple of different agents. Once an agent has heard your pitch, he'll let you know if he's interested in seeing your complete manuscript or proposal. If you've targeted the right agent(s) and prepared a great pitch, this can be an excellent way to get an agent to review your work and ultimately decide to take you on as a new client.
4. Get a referral.
Most successful writers network with other writers all the time. This networking should start even BEFORE you become a published writer. You'll learn so much from experienced, well-published writers, and, once they get to know you and your writing, a writer who writes the same type of thing you do may offer to refer you to his agent. You can network through online listervs for writers but also join writer's groups that meet regularly in your town or neighborhood.
It shouldn't be impossible to land a literary agent if you have a great manuscript and you follow these tips.
Try it!
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Suzanne Lieurance is a freelance writer, a writing coach and certified life coach, and the author of over 30 published books.