How NBN Can Revolutionize Healthcare in Australia

Thursday, July 16, 2015
Australia stands at the cusp of a communication revolution. By creating the largest and most sophisticated broadband network across the country, Australia will become the hub of economic, technologic and social betterment as the impact of the National Broadband Network takes full shape.
While it is no secret, that just about every aspect of our lives will be impacted by the NBN, it is important to note that several of the social infrastructure capabilities stand to gain the most. Advancements in communications are set to revolutionize the healthcare sector as never before, and Australia, with the advent of the NBN-era will stand at the forefront of these changes.
Healthcare is that part of the social infrastructure, which is vital for the growth of the nation. A healthy populace is a precursor to the advancement & growth of any nation. However, the sector has been often been bogged down by the sheer weight of the populace it needs to cater to.
The NBN will be a much required, shot in the arm for the healthcare providers to improve their services and offer a better patient care experience. NBN in Australia will help create a connect with the patients, improve services, create new platforms of service and expand the existing footprint of service. In other words, the NBN will open up a plethora of new opportunities whilst helping existing providers augment their current services. Some of the key areas wherein NBN is likely to improve services include:
Patient Connect:
Patients will now have improved platforms to connect with the healthcare services providers. Robust technologies will now enable patients on the farthest end of the spectrum to come into the mainstream and have better access to healthcare services. Healthcare providers will now be able to remain in touch with the patients and thereby prevent various diseases prior to their occurrence.
Patient Experience:
No more long queues and waiting times. Connect with the healthcare provider quickly and find better response. Healthcare service providers can now make their platforms more intuitive and patient-centric to ensure patients have a favourable and pleasant experience. Improved PABX systems can now be commonplace, thereby equipping healthcare providers with auto-dialling, auto-response and auto-forward options - each of these can be great tools of improving patient experiences.
Patient Handling:
Cater to your patients armed with more data about them, such that you can provide them with more personalized and accurate advice. Personalized services ensure that your patients not only receive the exact care that they need but have a much more favourable outlook towards your service.
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