Nowadays the technology is moving forward with huge steps. As
smartphones get smarter, the different apps are getting more and more
popular and also multifunctional. This progress leads to many available
options, and as a result it is easy to find the app that is tailored
exactly for your needs and taste. Let's discuss about some most wide
known applications.
Have you ever wonder why the world's largest social network Facebook acquired WhatsApp and paid $22 billion for a startup that generated $10.2 million in revenue last year? There is definitely a strong reason for this. Some of those who agreed with the acquisition told that Facebook was just getting rid of the competitor by bringing it to the company. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, as it is said.
Many popular apps that are displayed now on the market raised the SMS communication on the new level. Nobody wants to pay anymore for the text messaging; everybody uses the apps that give the possibility to write free messages and to interchange the videos and other media.
Viber, WhatsApp, Skype have its own different features which draw more number of users day by day. Each person is well aware of the functions that have all this applications, and as a rule a person is using all of them. They are definitely better alternatives to SMS chatting; especially now when the smartphones are on the rise and IM applications became very necessary and popular. It is considered to be a new trend now.
Applications' Interface
Popular messaging service Viber brings a redesigned user interface, and some new features. There is a possibility to share multiple media, and users can send multiple photos and videos at once, undesirable contacts can be blocked and long video messages can be sent.
According to the last information Viber which has 15 million registered users in India and 300 million registered users internationally, and it has been acquired by Japanese membership-based Internet services company Rakuten for $900 million.
It needs to be noted that eBay had bought Skype for more than $2 billion in 2005, and then sold the majority of its stake in 2009 to a private investment group for $1.2 billion. The only difference between 2005 and now is the popularity of smartphones. Microsoft bought Skype in 2011 for around $8.5 billion.
Take wise decisions
There is a huge amount of money paid for each application, simple user cannot even imagine what amount of money are invested in all this, and as a fact he wants to see just the result, to use the application which is convenient and give access to more free features. People are interested in communication that has no limits.
Even though there are some limits in all these applications, the communication can be held between users only, and the internet connection is required for both parts. ABC-VoIP service is more independent in this way; it is secured and more affordable. You can call the person you want no matter where he is located. No internet connection is required for accepting part, and there is no need to install the application. Each service has benefits and limits. Keep abreast of technology developments and stay connected to them, but remember nothing in the world will replace the joy and happiness of live communication.
Have you ever wonder why the world's largest social network Facebook acquired WhatsApp and paid $22 billion for a startup that generated $10.2 million in revenue last year? There is definitely a strong reason for this. Some of those who agreed with the acquisition told that Facebook was just getting rid of the competitor by bringing it to the company. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, as it is said.
Many popular apps that are displayed now on the market raised the SMS communication on the new level. Nobody wants to pay anymore for the text messaging; everybody uses the apps that give the possibility to write free messages and to interchange the videos and other media.
Viber, WhatsApp, Skype have its own different features which draw more number of users day by day. Each person is well aware of the functions that have all this applications, and as a rule a person is using all of them. They are definitely better alternatives to SMS chatting; especially now when the smartphones are on the rise and IM applications became very necessary and popular. It is considered to be a new trend now.
Applications' Interface
Popular messaging service Viber brings a redesigned user interface, and some new features. There is a possibility to share multiple media, and users can send multiple photos and videos at once, undesirable contacts can be blocked and long video messages can be sent.
According to the last information Viber which has 15 million registered users in India and 300 million registered users internationally, and it has been acquired by Japanese membership-based Internet services company Rakuten for $900 million.
It needs to be noted that eBay had bought Skype for more than $2 billion in 2005, and then sold the majority of its stake in 2009 to a private investment group for $1.2 billion. The only difference between 2005 and now is the popularity of smartphones. Microsoft bought Skype in 2011 for around $8.5 billion.
Take wise decisions
There is a huge amount of money paid for each application, simple user cannot even imagine what amount of money are invested in all this, and as a fact he wants to see just the result, to use the application which is convenient and give access to more free features. People are interested in communication that has no limits.
Even though there are some limits in all these applications, the communication can be held between users only, and the internet connection is required for both parts. ABC-VoIP service is more independent in this way; it is secured and more affordable. You can call the person you want no matter where he is located. No internet connection is required for accepting part, and there is no need to install the application. Each service has benefits and limits. Keep abreast of technology developments and stay connected to them, but remember nothing in the world will replace the joy and happiness of live communication.
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