The Best Formatting Tips for Your Kindle E-Books

Thursday, July 9, 2015
Confused on how to format your Kindle e-book? Starting on your e-book can be overwhelming. After writing the content, you need to edit and format the book so it will be readable on the tablet. Poor formatting can lead to problems that may discourage e-readers from purchasing future books from you.
First of all, there are many tools that can help you with this type of task. You can choose from Microsoft Word, Adobe InDesign, Mobipocket or Calibre for HTML format. Moreover, you can find different tools and or software online to make your formatting task a lot easier.
The downside of getting new tool is the learning time. You need to understand and grasp each function as fast as you can so you'll not waste time in finishing your Kindle e-book. So, unless you have plenty of time to learn, go ahead and try!
When it comes to formatting, my first tip would be stick to basics if you wish to accomplish a lot in short period of time. One good example is using Microsoft Word for formatting. There is nothing fancy with the program and it's easy to use. Moreover, it is not difficult to find because many still use this program at home. Even the old version is sufficient for editing and formatting.
When formatting your e-book using Word, you need to take notes of a few things. First, remove all headers and footers in the documents. Second is to get rid of page numbers and decorative fonts. You need to check with Amazon Self-Publishing guide to see what the accepted fonts are for Kindle.
The front pages of your book are important so remember to include Title page, Copyright, Dedication, Preface or Prologue.
Consider including table of contents for the convenience of your e-readers. The navigation will make it easier for them to jump from one page to another. You can create a simple table of content with Microsoft build in TOC or simply utilize the hyperlink and bookmark functions if you are using Mac computer.
Another thing you need to know during the conversion of documents is the text in your book will be justified automatically and numbered accordingly. However, there are some instances where bullets are displayed poorly or misaligned. It would be better to limit the use of bullets in your book.
When it comes to placing images in the book, avoid wrapping the text around the image because it will displace it once converted to Kindle format. For best result, utilized the Insert button to add images and choose the Inline with Text to position the image. By doing this, you'll get to avoid changes in position.
For tables or graphs, it would be wise to convert it as images because older version on Kindle e-readers cannot read tables.
Don't forget to check for extra spacing or hard returns in the pages. You can do this by clicking the formatting button and look for the P symbol. By removing it you will prevent any errors upon uploading.
Don't forget to always proofread and perform necessary edit on your documents before proceeding to submit it on Kindle. Ask your friends or family to read the book because they may see mistakes you didn't notice.
If you need more detailed instructions on how to edit and format your Kindle e-books, go to the Kindle Direct Publishing website.
Get the latest tips on writing and publishing e-books from Rob Hillman, the Kindle expert. Visit him now at