How to Write Fabulous eBooks for Children!

Thursday, July 9, 2015
Successful eBook Writer's do their Time!
Children's Writing is Highly Competitive - Open your mind to Gain Advantages
I am likely not the first person to tell you there is HUGE competition in writing eBooks for children. Particularly because there are so many free eBooks available. This is great for the buyers but not so hot for the creators!
First things first. Here are a few key factors you need to know BEFORE you start tearing up the eBooks scene with your amazing writing. Open your mind to gather the information you need to be successful. It all starts right here...
Brush up on your Grammar
It really doesn't matter what sort of writing you are doing. If you aren't tops in the grammar department you've got an uphill battle to climb. What you need to understand off the hop is you will never be perfect in grammar, nobody is. This means it's important for you to always work on your syntax and grammar. That's going to help you boost your quality of writing and build trust with your readers in due time.
Get on the grammar train and never get off!
Read and Read Some More
My guess is-- if you're a writer, then you're also a reader. Very few writers don't like to read. That's your platform to learn what you need to do in order to succeed. If you want to find yourself and your writing style you need to start picking up other children's books and start learning from them. Read and read some more until you can't read another page. This will put your on the right path to start writing your own eBooks for children. Probably free eBooks to start. Then when you've done your promotional time you can start rolling in the money!
Understand How a Story is Written
Next you need to understand how a story is written. Just think back to grade-school where you learned: the introduction, 2-3 paragraphs connecting your main introduction point, and then your final paragraph or conclusion. KISS (Keep it Super Simple) is your best plan of attack. Do some reading on the technical side of writing an awesome kid's book and you're on your way!
Plan your Story
This is where you need to plan your story. Create the character. Find a title. Define the key factors or main points in your story. Look to figure out how long you want your story to be. Make sure you know your target audience. Are you writing for 5 year-olds or 10 year-olds? Keep it fresh and inviting and ultra-simple to start. Have just 2-3 characters and write no more than a 10 page book.
Get Illustrations and Cover Done
In eBooks for children the illustration and cover is the make or break factor. Unless you are an artist too, you'll need to hire someone to create your images and cover design. This is important because people buy with their eyes first, especially children. Keep the images fun, inviting and alive. Make sure they bounce off the page and grab the reader's attention.
Hire a Professional Editor
I know this is a children's book and the language level is low. But it's critical that you hire a quality editor to go through your masterpiece to critique it and fix any grammatical errors or syntax flaws. People judge on first impressions so you need to make this one count. Make your book perfect and you will be rewarded.
Hope these pointers help you write your first of many amazing eBooks for children. And keep in mind that free eBooks to start are a smart marketing move to get you noticed. Just don't leave them free forever or it will be pretty tough to successfully climb your lucrative eBook mountain.
Good Luck!
Tanisha Williams is the author of two non-profit eBooks "501c3 In 12-Steps" and "Simple Internal Controls That Protect Your Assets". Her desire for more interaction with readers was the key inspiration behind the development of her latest business venture ChatEbooks ( ). ChatEbooks, launched in October 2014, harnesses the strengths of social media in order to help authors and their readers engage and connect within the context of the selling/reading experience.