Amazing Ideas On How To Get Free Traffic To My Website

Wednesday, July 8, 2015
How to get free traffic to my website is the question asked by every internet marketer and affiliate marketer.
After all, having a website is pointless unless you get visitors, whether it is to promote information on your blog or sell items from your website, people still need to see it.
You may have the most hi-tech, flashy and interesting layout with lots of relevant images and information but unless you manage to get it in front of your customers, it will all be pointless.
There are lots of ways to get traffic using paid methods but, when you have already joined memberships and forums, bought the next best offer and promotion to learn you every tactic in internet and affiliate marketing, you tend to opt for free traffic generation methods as funds grow low.
One common and easily learned method is to write information articles on subjects related to your niche, answering questions or offering solutions to readers' problems, which then encourages further reading within your site and potentially sales made.
Articles can be submitted to online directories, available for editors and magazines to use in their publications, providing a wider audience for your writing and attracting visitors to your site when clicking on the link below the article.
The article title needs to be rich in keywords but also attractive to the reader encouraging a click to read more and then leading onto the parent website.
Finding keywords to use can be easy when using a keyword planner such as Google AdWords as results are listed in order and provide statistics on the search volume, popularity of the keywords and also offers more suggestions with the same statistics.
Using long tail keywords is highly recommended now in order to list higher and Google, in it's glory, offers the top ten most recently looked for suggestions, based on most commonly used phrases typed into its search engine.
It is not only necessary to identify these keywords but also to use them wisely within your article content as "over-stuffing" your articles with repetitive keywords may attract a "Google Slap" and affect your listing potential.
When looking at your niche and finding relevant subjects to write about, making a list of associated topics, then breaking these down further into bullet points, writing articles on each of these, will ensure you have plenty of material to inform your readers when visiting your website and promote repeat visits for more quality information.
Receiving comments from your visitors is the intended result of posting your articles as the comments attract even more visitors and hopefully, further comments, provoking conversations.
Visiting forums related to your niche will also provide you with more information regarding your niche, inform you of common problems or questions others have and then provide topics for you to write further articles, addressing these issues which you can promote within that forum.