9 Highly Effective Ways To Grow Your Email List Fast

Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Email marketing has been at the frontiers of profitable marketing gateways for years now that has propelled new heights for businesses to make more sales, create marketing engagement and engender business relationships. Exploiting these potentials with existing or new clients to grow your business starts with building an email list.
Email list building to engage loyal subscribers who will be affiliated to your brand and services is a fundamental imperative of effective email marketing. This is a key marketing factor in an era where 85% of people use email compared to 62% who use social media according to a study.
Let's look at some creative ways to skyrocket your email list building and grow your business to new heights.
1. Place Opt-in Forms For Higher Conversions:
To increase visibility and maximize conversions, place your sign-up forms at the following positions:
• Top of the sidebar
• Below every post
• As the feature box
• As Lightbox pop-up
• On Your 'About' Page
• As a bar across your site.
2. Incentivize Pop-ups With a Free EBook:
Leverage on this unique marketing tactic to create a mutually beneficial engagement for both parties by providing a free report or eBook of value with a professionally-designed e-cover. This is a reward for the scepticism, eye rollings and groans that greet most pop-ups and pop-overs.
3. Create Engaging Content:
Engaging content will go viral and propagate your digital footprint with potential benefits even after so many years. An amazing content is likely to be shared by friends, family members and colleagues, creating value for your credibility and making subscribers to stay on your list.
4. Forums Are Still Alive:
Most successful internet marketers socialize in niche-specific forums where ideas are shared or constructively criticized. Join them there and actively participate in discussions with a deliberate intent to differentiate. Scrutinize the most topical issues, controversies and answers, then provide an edge.
5. Use Social Media To Distribute Your Content:
Make it user friendly for your email subscribers to help circulate your content by strategically positioning "Email to a Friend Button", "Social Sharing Buttons" and also specific 'Call-To-Action' instructions or "Subscribe" buttons. This will promote the viral potentials of your contents by your subscribers and prospects that received the forwarded emails.
6. Use Online Contests:
Create contests with freebies and giveaways where prospects provide their emails to participate.
7. Maximize Content Promotion Channels:
Spice up your content marketing strategy by leveraging on Infographics, videos, SlideShares, eBooks and whitepapers. Use these resource-style contents and promote far and wide. For presentations, enabling a call to action to a resource page where your prospects can download an eBook is a no brainer.
8. Position an Email Opt-in Page on Your Facebook Page:
You could accelerate your list building by running a contest, providing a free coupon and even providing a free giveaway using an opt-in form on your Facebook fan page.
9. Become Active on Social Media:
Start networking and promote your trade social media utilizing the power of newsletters, sign-up forms and even Apps.
As an attestation to the power of email marketing through list building, the ROI are pretty encouraging:
• Every $1 spent on Keyword ADS potentially generates $17.
• $40 for every $1 spent on Email marketing.
• On Banner ADS, $2 for every $1 spent.