Video Marketing Tips - 4 Things You Must Do To Be Successful

Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Online video marketing is becoming more and more valuable. Especially with sites like YouTube, this type of marketing is increasing everyday and becoming a lot more effective. Just like any form of promotion, you need to know what you are doing in order to become successful. Below I want to share with you some great marketing tips:
1) Know Your Audience
When doing video marketing you will be able to reach a very large audience, but you must know how to engage your visitors when they watch your videos. Is your audience looking to buy a product straight away? Or do they need some tips and training? If your website is about getting pregnant for example, you would want to target women. There is no use targeting men, for obvious reasons. Know your online audience.
2) Keep Your Videos Shorter
Another tip I can give you is keep your videos short. People's attention span online is not very long. Try to engage your visitors in the first ten to twelve seconds, it's all about making a good impression. Then once you have their attention, keep the video length to around three or four minutes. Any longer and the visitor will leave and then you would have blown your chance to offer them a call to action and a link to your website.
3) Don't Just Use One Site
When you're distributing your videos, don't just post them to one site. You need to make use of multiple sharing sites. This is a good idea because you will be able to reach ten times as many more people and get a lot more exposure for yourself. The target here is to post on at least ten video sharing sites.
4) Don't Directly Sell
It's a bad idea to sell your audience something within your videos. Most people online need to be pre-sold before purchasing an item. So, what you want to do instead is recommend your product or website and give a good review. But leave some information out, then have a call to action in your video so the viewer can click on your link and learn more. This is a very effective way to get more people to your website, whilst at the same time offering value rather than just the hard sale.
Video marketing can be very profitable, you just need to take action and implement some of the techniques I have shown you here today.
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