How Does an E-Commerce Website Convert Customers Into Potential Buyers?

Thursday, July 9, 2015
The growing dominance of e-commerce is getting a head turning response from all the big and small business owners. However, not all who take a deep plunge into this field succeed. Instead, enterprises with a thoughtful strategy to win loyal customers hold the upper hand. As per research, nearly 40% of online users (more than 1 billion people) buy something from the web. The main target of e-commerce websites is to ensure more visitor-to-customer conversions, and give their market share an effective boost.
Converting customers into potential buyers
Below are some of the major marketing techniques to help enthusiastic e-commerce businesses convert customers into potential buyers.
1. Create informative & attractive product pages
Your e-commerce store is the face of your business, and paying attention to every product you sell through it is crucial. From crispy content to bold headings, exciting images to unavoidable call to actions, keen attention to product details, and more, you should be perfect in depicting each of them in the true form. The examples of websites like Flipkart, Amazon, Snapdeal, and so on are perfect to elaborate on this necessity. They are damn careful in highlighting every major aspect of the product while selling it online.
2. Initiate shopping campaign
For best results, you can use Google Ads Shopping for this purpose. This type of campaign is more effective than search campaign in terms of conversion. It allows the visitors to compare product prices easily, which leads to more clicks. Trying the Google versions helps you to perform retail-centric campaign management, do advance reporting and gives insight into competitive benchmark data.
3. Allow reviews
It is smart to allow the users to review the products in your e-commerce store. Feedback from genuine users attracts potential customers to your site more often. Moreover, reviews of a particular product hold a high tendency to turn up in the search pages as well. You can allow space for user reviews on the product page itself. Alternatively, you can also ask for authentic responses for the whereabouts of your products on Yahoo Answers, Quora,, and several other similar platforms.
4. Attract Mobile visitors
Almost everyone today owns at least one smartphone. Not surprisingly, these modern avatars of communication have become more a necessity than a style statement. e-commerce businesses that are able to tap this intense customer base of mobile users simply rule their respective field. If you too wish to attract mobile users, the foremost need is to have a mobile friendly website. In fact, a more feasible option is to have a mobile app for your e-commerce store that the users can easily install on their smartphones. It should include easy to use form filling, purchasing, and convenient checkout pages. For better conversion rate, prefer to ask for only limited information from the customers.
Numerous marketing techniques lead to high customer conversion through e-Commerce websites. These include informative product pages, allowing for reviews, developing mobile friendly websites or apps, starting a shopping campaign, etc.