How Can Retargeting Drive Brand Awareness and Convert at the Same Time

Tuesday, July 7, 2015
It might seem like a very easy question at first sight, because we all want to connect with as many potential clients as possible at the upper funnel sale process, but also we don't want to sacrifice performance in the lower-funnel. The only way we can settle this dilemma is by building very smart upper-funnel marketing campaigns that rely on your lower-funnel conversion strategy.
To do this, you have to follow several steps:
Step 1: Set your performance objectives
First of all you have to decide what's imperative for your business and how does retargeting cope with the sales objectives. Retailers always face a hard question: how can I grow my business and at the same time convince website users to convert with low costs? Can I do both of them? If not, which one is more important? The answer is strongly correlated to your sales objectives, but you have to keep in mind that there's a big chance that the initial higher costs per sale by bringing new customers can be covered by their lifetime value. First, you have to solve for high ROI campaigns and afterwards use effective marketing automation at a larger scale.
Step 2. Use retargeting for performance goals
Retargeting is most efficient when you use it on people who have high intentions of purchasing. They are in the lower-funnel stage so you have to start building campaigns at this level. Use live triggers, email triggers or SMS triggers for visitors who indicate a big interest in your products or services and just need a small encouragement (special offers, discounts or free shipping) or a reminder to close the deal, like for those who abandon their carts or visit specific product pages.
Step 3. Use retargeting for business growth
The people who are less engaged in what you have to offer are those who visit multiple products and those who only browse your website. They are in the mid-funnel and upper-funnel sale process. After they leave your site, they could go to other websites to search a lower price, so it's recommended that you don't lose connection with them and drive brand awareness by recommending best sellers and also offering them a very good reason to come back and place an order. This kind of marketing automation campaign may not have a high conversion rate, but retargeting at this stage will keep your business growing.
Retargeting helps you focus on intention signals of your website visitors and recognize who is most probably to convert. This way you can increase reach and drive scale in a very smart way. Segment your audience in a proper manner, apply a smart creative strategy and optimize landing pages to scale retargeting campaigns.