Grow Your Business to $5,000,000 (A Email List Approach)

Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Grow Your Business to $5,000,000
Just a short reflection on list marketing.
Once you really understand this, everything will really start to fall into place.
There are three components of the sale: the product, the audience and the message.
You, Gail Perry, already have articulated products, mostly in the form of webinars/audio.
Your audience are your prospects and your customers.
Right there, those two components, contain a ton of variety.
What is the product?
How is it broken down?
How is it packaged?
How is it delivered?
There's a dozen more details about the product alone.
Same thing with the audience.
Who is the audience?
How are they broken down? (Money, marriage, age, gender, location, etc.)
Where do they hang out?
What do they say when they talk to each other?
What do they talk about?
Add another dozen questions to further define who you're selling to.
Then, there's the messaging. How and with what words/timing/emotion does the product communicate with the audience? When and how does the messaging change?
The variables grow exponentially.
But this email is a short reflection on list marketing.
Building a sales machine so that the product, the messaging and the audience are prequalified by the audience themselves, is worth the thought process because when they do prequalify themselves, the "match game" begins.
A lot of people who have considerable lists, 3,000, 10,000 and 20,0000 or more, are afraid of offending their lists by emailing them too frequently with anything, let alone frequent emails with sales offers.
But if the list was segmented in a manner that matched products with the right fit audience and the messaging was fine tuned in such a way that the audience genuinely "heard" how they could benefit, that audience would hunger for more information and gladly pay for it.
There may be dozens of ways to go about it such as referral marketing, advertising, direct marketing, marketing alliances and so on, but there are only three ways to increase business. It always comes down to these three ways:
1. Get more prospects
2. Convert more prospects to buyers
3. Get more buyers to buy more volume, more frequently.
Let's say we have a list of 20,000 subscribers interested in some aspect of our product or service offerings. They would have to be in order to be on the list (if the list was built correctly-another subject).
Each of those subscribers has an interest in three or four different subject areas which has a product offering. By describing how each product or service benefits the audience member and what features they possess, the audience itself qualifies themselves as people who want more information.
Now, instead of 20,000 subscribers, we have for instance, 50,000 subscribers broken down to twenty products with an average of 2500 subscribers each. How is this possible? To get 50,000 subscribers from a 20,000 list? The answer lies in the subscriber putting him or herself onto more than one product or service list.
Now, if each of these twenty product or service lists are emailed once a day with a sales offering once a week (the other days are relationship building), the messaging would be laser focused and fed to a very hungry audience.
By approaching your list in this manner you are no longer selling. Rather, you are giving people who are looking to buy exactly what they want.
I have found that businesses that are hovering around $1,000,000 are in a good position to grow their business to $5,000,000 using this list utility approach.
Bill Ranieri is a marketing and operations expert with a common sense approach to growing business while remaining sensitive to the infrastructure issues any company must address while business growth takes place. He's a business shrink. He works with business leaders to shrink their organizational, people and growth challenges down to manageable bite size pieces where disruption is hardly noticed but measurable growth is almost assured three, six, or twelve months down the road. Bill can be reached at 412-722-6865 if you'd like to talk about growing your business to $5,000,000.