Easy and Simple Tips to Write an Amazing Blog Article

Thursday, July 9, 2015
Writing blog articles is not an easy task, sometimes bloggers and webmasters get stuck over with finding new topics to write.
Once they consummate a topic, the next big thing is drafting a beautiful and impressive subject line, based on which the entire discussion revolves.Content marketing is the core of online business promotion and businesses are aware of the fact that it needs to be effective to move ahead, although it might seem to be a tough task many a times.
There are some simple tips that can help you to publish high quality content in very less time. A well strategized system or process is needed to complete a given task based on a particular formula. Here, are a few simple tips to help you with your blog writing process:
  • Set aside a list of topics prior to working on these: Finding the topic and then working on it at the same time is not a feasible process, as it kills a lot of time and towards the middle of the subject the person loses interest. Setting an editorial calendar is always one of the preferred methods for curating an extraordinary title or topic for a blog article, but the results are not productive if done carelessly. The situation is different when there is a bucket list of topics to choose from right before the moment you plan to curate the content.

  • This provides an opportunity to the curator to think over what all ideas can be summed up to write the content beforehand. It ensures speed, reliability and efficiency of the article that will be curated. You can easily note down a few links, or even pick images related to a topic that you find to interest you during the topic choosing process and it gives ample of time for you to research and then summarize everything to curate a beautiful piece of content.

  • Introductory Paragraphs: There are writers who prefer to push back the introduction phase of their article to a later stage or to work on it, after they are done with the conclusion part. Usually, researchers recommend to begin the articles with introduction as it provides the writer with a normal flow and is progressive from all aspects of curating a successful article. Even this article contains 3 introductory paragraphs. Follow these simple steps to write an impressive introduction for your article:
  1. It starts with the first paragraph, where you need to work on grabbing the reader's attention and roll out the entire idea of the article.
  2. The second paragraph should hold on the reader creating a curiosity to move ahead and know more.
  3. All that the user needs to learn and experience should conclude the third paragraph.
  • Bullet points: Rather than reading across lengthy paragraphs, people prefer to catch a glimpse of those points that are put under bullets, as it highlights the most important features that they are searching for. There is no limit to the number of bullets that you can actually include in your article. It can be 5, 10, 20 and so on.

  • These points actually provide an outline for your article. There is no point in curating an article without a head or tail, people will get bored after a particular point of time and choose to quit the site. People will be eager to read the content under these outlines, as it explains better what each point holds. It actually conveys a kind of serious action whenever an outline is used to describe what a paragraph holds.

  • Add substantial piece of research information to each of your points: Listen, the internet has a lot of options like news materials, Press Releases, Research theories, etc. etc. with regard to any kind of topic you are searching for. Simply, go through these materials and jot down the points that seem to be vital and striking to you from the reader's perspective. Another point to be noted is that never overdo whatever research or press release material you are using to prove the authenticity of your article, as too much of it will irritate your reader.

  • Rather than working too much on emphasizing a single point, give time to add research information to prove each of your points.

  • Images are important: An article with a few images, is more interesting to read than the one with only hard core data. These images usually catch the eye of the reader and prompts the user to read the article. You can simply find these images via Google Search. How do you make your search for images effective? Search for images using the keywords relevant to your article. The images need not be creative but these should be attractive.

  • An impressive conclusion: People find it easier to curate the conclusion before actually curating the introduction. But, just like the introduction written in the beginning, it is a good idea to write the conclusion at the end. Put up the conclusion heading and write a simple conclusion to let the people know where it ends.

  • Ask the decision making question towards the end: It is a better way to bring your reader into the conversation scenario. They might even come up with answers in the comments section. It also gives the writer a better way to mark the completion of the article.Writing an effective article increases the productivity of your business online. Follow these simple rules and you will have a large number of readers following you thereby increasing your ROI over the search engines.
Nathaniel Putin is a blogger and software developer and usually writes articles and blogs on SEO, internet marketing and content promotion to enhance the website visibility. BishopWebWorks, is popular as one of the Colorado SEO company for the best SEO and online marketing services that are provided here at affordable prices.
For more details, logon to the site at: http://www.bishopwebworks.com